In so many ways: physically, emotionally, spiritually, technologically and food-wise just to name a few. As those of you who follow me know, I left my full-time day job in Human Resources in February. Let’s just say this whole “new chapter” thing is going to take some time.
One thing I’ve learned in these few short weeks is that I’m a serious creature of habit. For years, I got up at the same time, had coffee at the same time, arrived at work at the same time and essentially went through my days in an organized, structured way. I’m finding that navigating wide-open days, particularly during a pandemic, to be a challenge. I’ve also quickly realized that filling said days with eating is not going to bode well for the physical work in progress! Suffice to say my friends and neighbors will be happy as I dive into new recipes and ideas.
My plan (and Lord knows I love a plan – perhaps another work in progress?) is to take this one chunk at a time, or Bird by Bird as my favorite author Anne Lamott says.
In March, I will focus on creating more structure to my days – not a rigid, corporate amount of structure, but enough to keep me from watching all 29 seasons of The Amazing Race – it’s addicting!. I’ll begin with some exercise everyday, ideally outside in the fresh spring air. I will then carve out space for KilKenney Kitchen website and business development and, of course, recipe creation and cooking time – my favorite.
I’ll keep you all posted on my journey as I move forward. And, as always, I welcome your insights, thoughts and suggestions.
Another work in progress I’ve been tackling as I make this transition is dinner. I have more time to cook, which is great, but I’m also finding that too many ideas sometimes leads to no meal on the table – funny how that happens! This recipe for Chicken Vegetable Soup is just the ticket for those days.

Quick and easy, it’s the perfect way to use up whatever you have in your refrigerator. I love it for a weeknight meal as well as a Sunday afternoon cook-up. The leftovers make for a perfect lunch too. I hope you enjoy it!
Here’s to works in progress Maggie! May we always be in the state of one or many! Congrats on your new venture! We are lucky to be able to live in the dream! Finally! xo
Thank you Shelagh. I’m loving seeing your classes and food styling going gangbusters! Well done, my friend.
Just remember “ Let the process be the Boss”
Looking forward to your future cooking endeavors!!
Thank you Roberta. I appreciate your support! I look forward to a glass of wine on the deck this summer.
I sure can relate to the “Now what?” retirement thing, Maggie! I have to admit, though, that after 40+ years of cramming all the to-do’s in what little spare time was permitted by full time work outside the home, it was very nice, albeit a bit strange-ish, to be able to do dishes, laundry, cleaning, meal prep, errands, without the clock ticking and the list of yet-to-be-done items on my list hollering at me! Wrestling with a feeling of “being less productive” and some inner crabby voice that loves to nag about that has been an interesting process, as well. The voice is quieter after 2 years of retirement… but may never be completely silenced, which is likely a good thing! Will look forward to what you make of this new era as a fan of your creative work!
Thank you for sharing Trish. I appreciate your experience and agree that the voice that is telling me to be productive is a challenge. I am working to change my definition of productivity.
Maggie, congrats on your retirement and new/adjusting ventures. I look forward to more Kilkenny Kitchen!
Thank you Julie.
I hope you are all doing well.
The beauty of not having a corporate timeline for me is the ability to actually be present through life challenges and good times without the restraints of the emotional pressure to get to the next thing.
When I am on a roll, I go with it! When I need to stop to comfort a friend, i can do that to the extent needed and know I can get to my duty list without the rushed pressure. I finally truly enjoy cooking..for the pleasure and appreciation of the food, not the ‘get it done’ rush!
Thank you for sharing your experience Teresa. I love the way you are approaching your retirement. I hope to see you and Steve soon.