Meatless Mondays

I know, I know, Meatless Mondays have been a “thing” for a while. I try not to jump on a food bandwagon before I’m good and ready.

Like many of you though, I have been trying to eat a more plant-based diet in the last year and consciously doing it once a week, seems like a good way to start.

Eating more plants feels like a double win – good for the environment as well as my health. I’ve got a long way to go to get good at plant-based cooking and, although, I don’t see myself giving up meat or fish all together I love a culinary challenge.

I plan to incorporate more vegetarian and vegan dishes into my cooking in my kitchen and on the blog as I go forward so stay tuned. As always, I’d love your ideas for dishes/ingredients you’d like me to try.

This recipe for Vegetarian Enchiladas is a perfect introduction into Meatless Mondays. It’s a fun, delicious, easy dish that was a huge hit at a dinner party Bill and I hosted last week. Cheesy, spicy and full of flavor, I think these Enchiladas become a hit in your kitchen too.

Veggie Goodness

Check your email on Friday for a listing of my fabulous fall cooking classes – Gluten Free goodness and fun all around in October and November. There is something for everyone in these classes as they are all great recipes that just happen to be gluten free! I hope you can join me.

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