Galloping Greens

The KilKenney Kitchen garden continues to be a hit-and-miss proposition.  Every spring I plant seeds and tiny fledglings with high hopes and big plans.  And… every summer I realize that those hopes and plans should really have been work and weeding.  Oh well.

The greens, however, weather every storm.  Kale, swiss chard and collards take over everything in their path and the garden usually ends up a sea of green by August.  The pressure is on to find recipes to use all that green goodness.

Greens Glory

One of my favorite ways to use up a bunch of greens is this Chickpea Curry.  Fast and easy, hearty and full of flavor, this one is a regular here in KilKenney Kitchen.  Feel free to add any other vegetable taking up space in your garden or refrigerator drawer and go to town with this one.

The Chickpea Curry with Greens is fabulous leftover so I usually make a double batch.  I think you’ll be surprised how much you and yours love this dish.  It’s not the prettiest, but it’s a contender for the tastiest.

Have a lovely Labor Day weekend and check back here in early September for a line up of cool and creative cooking classes.   I’d love to see you in KilKenney Kitchen this fall!

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