A Collective Sigh

Can you hear it?  The holidays are over, work and school have reconvened and all those marvelous meals have become delightful memories.

I don’t know about you, but by this time of the new year, I’m ready to lighten it all up.  After years of making resolutions I didn’t keep, I’ve come to realize that getting back to basics is my preferred method to greet a new year.  For me that means cooking more, eating thoughtfully and getting my tush into some kind of motion everyday.

One of my favorite ways to regain the focus on my health is to make a big batch of this easy, delicious and versatile Vegetable Broth.

Veggies Galore

The Vegetable Broth acts as something of a reset for me.  I find that taking a couple of hours to chop, sauté, simmer and strain is meditative (rarely a word used to describe me!) as well as a nice time to think about the year ahead and what I want to accomplish, experience and enjoy.

The double bonus is four quarts of beautiful broth that will enhance all of your soups, stews and stir fries in the new year- gotta love that!

One of my goals for 2019 is to teach more cooking classes. Stay tuned here and to your email for a list of fun, participative sessions coming up in late January and February – I’d love to have you join me in KilKenney Kitchen!

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