Fridge Fare – Tasty Tuna Salad

One way I know summer has arrived in KilKenney Kitchen is how many times a week I hear someone ask “What do we have to eat?”  I’m amazed at how fast food disappears now that school is out.  More lunches going to work, friends coming over and free time to nosh.

I certainly enjoy having my kids home over the summer.  The busier kitchen does, however, require some creativity to keep the “good stuff” on hand.  One tactic that has worked for me over the years is to make large batches of easy, healthy and delicious dishes like this Tasty Tuna Salad at the beginning of the week.  The salad acts as sandwich filler as well as a great afternoon or late night snack.

I’ll share a variety of ideas for fridge fare with you throughout the summer and I’d love to hear what works for you and your family in these busy months too.

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